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Kizame 531d
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Smd 531d
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B Mac 531d
B Mac
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UurmiP 531d
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I'll Never Be Him
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So the new trailer for the Barbie movie came out the other day, I think, and honestly it looks really really good. Like, I was quite skeptical because I was thinking, oh no, not another live action movie that we don't need, but I'm actually quite excited. Especially with the marketing, how they've done it, so you can actually make your own Barbie-esque picture type of thing. And I've actually made a couple as well, so yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to it. as it says, June 21st, so I'm gonna look out for it.
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I think I'll watch it with my friends like as a joke and I'm just on my watch it also because it seems really interesting and I'm just like really surprised that they made a real life movie about dolls in like toys a little girls playlist so I'm just on my watch as a joke and I might see you like what they could they could really make a movie about about plastic dolls for a little girls I would like I might see you just to see what they would make a movie about that like what they would make the plot about
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I don't think I will because I didn't really get much from the trailer like I didn't really find out what the plot was like I didn't really see it or maybe I'm just that slow but I don't know is it really seem interesting to me
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Absolutely can't wait!
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Yeah I'm really excited for Bobby the channel to be good so I think it's gonna be really good
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Assembly. Fuck no. I would never watch this shit.
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