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Brandon 534d
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Jada 534d
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Holley Chapman
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Rebecca Andrews
TheOppSmocker 534d
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TheOppSmocker 534d
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Rebecca Andrews
Jimmy Blen 534d
Jimmy Blen
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Layla 534d
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Rebecca Andrews
Rebecca Andrews
Rebecca Andrews
Big Booty Balls
Rebecca Andrews
Big Booty Balls
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Moderated 534d
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Big Booty Balls
T͛h͛e͛ man 534d
T͛h͛e͛ man
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Rebecca Andrews
T͛h͛e͛ man
Rebecca Andrews
T͛h͛e͛ man
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Hey guys, can y'all read me real quick? The video that's shown behind is me. I am yes, yes, yes, yes. I am a Trump supporter as an FYI. So trigger warning, yeah. And I know I am the best looking here. I am the hottest on this app. I've seen people on here and they're all just a bunch of trash. I am a superior white girl, like I am superior from all of you, because I'm white and Irish, and I'm just top tier because I'm white, and you could never be like me. Anyways, go and rate me. I know I'm a 10, but you don't have to say otherwise. Okay? Bye.
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Cut the fuck up. What the fuck? I hear your white girl having ass. You are not. You were some dumb dirty bitch.
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Get the London look.
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She looks like the redhead version and girl version of Trump but father
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Honestly? Yeah. I see it.
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Na bro this is an MPC because once you just say that you were a Trump supporter I already knew I already knew that he was a NPC bro like come on now no one likes Donald Trump bro he is a mixture of a donkey bro like I'm gonna try my best like we are We have a what is a Trump supporter knob are you soda and you is not that good looking bro
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And bro he was not that good looking I mean like you like you like an NPC and also look like a noob from Roblox but real talk bro you you was not that good looking in and you also look like you in your 40s like maybe 46 or 48 or something but he was not a good looking bro like no just know
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You think not just count my looks, girly? You know, it takes a girl years to look as good as I am. Let's be real. Don't lie. Don't lie.
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Finish video I see here like the first three seconds please leave this app and never ever post something like this again I will never let you cook
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Zero just give you support Donald Trump like Donald Trump is a bitch and you were so used to you late on the truck pizza booth by like the route open a week I'm gonna be rude to you because like Trump supporter your tarp your Trump and like I hate Trump is you know like you
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Trump is racist and you must be racing because you like him feel like you're nasty disgusting
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Oh, Laila, let me assure you, I am not a racist. I know my place, and so should you. We are all people, we believe the same blood. And yeah. Also, you got trolled so hard. I can't believe you actually thought I was a girl, but yeah. Uh... right Yeah.
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On a side note, I'm going to say, you are fucking pretty as fuck. Oh my god.
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That was so good Audio lady they supported her And thank you for the compliment
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This video wasn't intended to hurt people's feelings or whatever. It was just to get a laugh at the people I don't know, but I was bored. I saw this random lady on TikTok so I'm like alright. Let's just make fun of her. But yeah Yes, you are beautiful in that that is not a compliment that is the truth. I took one look at your page I'm like damn, but alright, you have a good one
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No nobody thought you were a damn female good ugliest bitch you stupid bitch who the fuck would think that you a girl and you to read me one way home I hate read me when I looked it like duh I knew you was a manager
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Yeah, it's alright. I mean, most of the people on this voice note were fooled. I mean, you're just you're saying nobody was fooled. I mean, there's a lot of people in this in the comments that are really upset. Really a lot of people were fooled. You're just denying that.
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Look like before I come to your house or review movie remake of sans it was booty hoe looking ass Nager strap day I'm blaming me for I get your living in the day of shotgun on you hurt me Bob Bob here love this out ultra how to read the answer Reggaeton Russell other people food I don't think I know I was in the food mat
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Yeah, the last.
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Shut up 2020 now we can hang now I'm gonna give you Is there a lot of 10 close one in the country do you exist like that's how you talk in the country created the hills probably races to let go and live in before reporting Trump
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Bro do you know snakes mate have an ass Knigge you stop playing for children
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Oh no I know this bitch in target on my 10 you know damn well you're -10 to fuck Knigge he probably got fleas in your pussy bitch say yes. I'm on but you have no rights the fuck Grace blonde the damn Quetion your ugly ass bitch
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I will make this very clear for you. I do not have fleas and I am a 10. You're just in denial of that. You can't see the real beauty. That's me. You'll never understand. Cause look at you. You're meme. You see negative comments about people and I know I am superior. I am superior Okay, and I am beautiful. I am a 10. Now shut up.
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Oh my God I love your jokes keep it up you should become an comedian
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Thanks bro, I appreciate that
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What the fuck that's a Knigge
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