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Caleb 543d
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Zooted Steve Harvey
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Yo Momma 543d
Yo Momma
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Fights n wild ash
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Shane Ramsden 543d
Shane Ramsden
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Valerie 541d
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Bradley Fox 541d
Bradley Fox
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Miles 541d
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Josh 541d
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John Thomas 541d
John Thomas
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My friend and I are having a debate OK I say looks because you're OK first you're gonna look at like what they look like and then if you like their appearance you're gonna want to get to know them and like see their personality you're not even gonna talk to them see the personality if you don't like the way that they look but I just had a voice crack But I say luxe I'm not saying looks are better than personally well kind of that too like if you're ugly but you have like this amazing personality will I be able to even want to kiss you will I want to look at you will I want to show my friends that I am dating you I want to post you know maybe Actually depends but I don't wanna seem like a bitch but I say looks are more important than personality but which one is more important and which one is like which one would you go after first
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I would rather take a cute toxic girl over a box, show this, nice to me.
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dick dick
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Personality because if you talk it's the most funniest memes ever seen and they don't want a good personality it's just gonna be boring but if you talk to like an ugly dude with a good personality I feel like he'll get more attractive
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Depends if you're just meeting them if you're just meeting them do you really gonna be able to charge the luxe but if you do you like the best friend go for a son or a boyfriend or something like that
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I really depends.
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both I want to be getting no ugly motherfucker but like I don't want him the fucking half the queerest ass personality.
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You make a good point about the seeing them at first but personality matters more for real if they're hot and they're a bitch gone now I don't care
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for me it is personality and looks but when it comes to looks it has to be how they feel. If they're dressing up for other people then like that's no.
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Personally I think personally because you get up at 10 at 10 go but she could have their personality we could've lacquer 5/6 out of 10 go and have a banging personally get me
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But yet if you're too picky then you wouldn't get to know anyone because your standards are too high.
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