Alright alright alright, so I went on a date last night and got ice cream and I asked for mint chocolate chip ice cream And the girl was like mint chocolate chip ice cream. What do you crazy taste like toothpaste? But for me, I think mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream ever made. Tell me what you think. Let me know.
Right because like that was me bitch I would've thrown him at the fucking window stab him a few times probably shouldn't like two or four times you know probably fucking stomp him fucking break a score everything in them
Like the best fake flavors are always the ones that that have ice on the end because use whatever has ice in the fucking name you just know it's gonna be good like you just know it's gonna be good
Like some examples could be like mango eyes peach eyes watermelon eyes like a strawberry I see you know what it is just has to have eyes in the fucking end and I'll take that shit right up really fast