I don't really have five older sisters because then they would just be pussy at the house because all their friends would come over and be like, Hi, oh my god, he's so cute. and how to get fucking sucked off at age 13, you know what I'm saying?
Five brothers for sure. I have one and we're hello clothes you know. That was like my best friend. Fuck my friends. That was my best friend. But five sisters, that would be like too annoying, I think.
I don't know because five brothers that would be really sus but five sisters would be even worse I'd be like but five brothers like what if they like I don't even want to think about it I don't, I don't, neither kill myself.
I'm gonna have to go with my brothers because they will have your back whenever you need them. So, for example, if I have a brother, they won't have your shit, they won't have your bag and we won't, like, protection and shit.
I think you rather have five brothers I feel like if I were to have five sisters we would all go crazy because females dentist really be crazy and get bothered by things
I already only have two brothers and no sisters so I suppose three more couldn't kill me although I have always wanted sisters but I wouldn't give up my brothers for five sisters if it means five extra sisters then I'll go for this