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Cody Donnelly 552d
Cody Donnelly
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Daddy Coley
Leilani Baker 552d
Leilani Baker
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Daddy Coley
Victoria 552d
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Daddy Coley
𓄅The G҇͐̊o͒̍͠á͒̐͌́͠T of fear
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Daddy Coley
T͓͓̽̽B͓͓̽̽Z͓̽ Jackson
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Daddy Coley
Ibrahim Younes
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Hammouda Oueslati
Daddy Coley
Daddy Coley
Carlos 544d
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Daddy Coley
Jaxson 544d
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Daddy Coley
Daddy Coley
Nae ��� 544d
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Daddy Coley
Daddy Coley
Tally Mei 544d
Tally Mei
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Daddy Coley
Daddy Coley
Daddy Coley
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Oh so what's your favorite like rap song like someone says can you rap like a top of your head like what is your favorite one I don't know what I would say
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If looks you kill baby. I'm the fashion demon right now can the road
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Be honest as dog shit and you can do way better Cody Denali like what the fuck try harder on my page bitch don't fucking half ass shit oh my god that shit piss me off try harder next time totally try harder
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I'd be like I said I am good enough that I'm at truth so tell him his money you make up on me oh
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What's a bond me ugly boys a cab you know you're gonna be always at like universe Wow that the boys a liar a much I just wanna watch you eat mine shut down
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Siri I'm gonna tell Mater think about shit that should've asked him is what I mean he make a fun of me his girl is a bonhomie the boys a cup Sehome but I know yeah like and brought her back like a mummy and what is fat
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You're way better than the other girl I was wrapping this like your flows good voice is good yes like the energy yes a a a a her name is Vicky she go out the key a name is Vicky caught up in the
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Thank you Nicole but oh yeah thank you
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Oh too many songs I can't say that I have a favorite one
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The cavatappi is the ox right like the ox do you want to sing right now we need to get that singing voice on what song and put it on the aux is it have to be a good song a fun time to sing like One Direction or something
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What's your name with so sorry zodiac killer our rats got a die even master splinter yeah murder 187 and Abby Caroline a pussy I hope all dogs go to heaven
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That's garbage you sound half asleep try harder on my page Jackson I'm sorry Miss Jackson who I am for real never meant to make a dog cry I apologize about the times time in Jackson who I am poor
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Okay look I can't really like sing my favorite song because you know like it It tends to endwarden it, but you know, like, represent by NAS 100%.
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I call KERP!
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Bro just don't say it ready man is the world ain't shit come up in your crib all up in your fridge can't paint print look at what you did listen to your friends when they
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Yeah let's come out of this shit right now it's not like you can't say instead of the N-word like that's some fucking bullshit sing a fucking song don't say the N-word bitch don't be a little worse about it I just say that you're doing it
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With a stick in my dick small, very small, dangerousness of card. You know, I had to cut the top off. Bitch, I don't care. I'm not fucking with my socks off. Bitch, I'm retarded as shit. But I got so many shooters. And a real bad bitch. as you work out Hooters.
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I just put my dick in a box pull it with a stick the bath put in the Roman seal you can OK Z Her iPad
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well you guys can hate me for all you want if you disagree but monster by Nicki Minaj. Good World
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Motherfucking monster!
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First thing first I'm gonna eat your brain C B T M B T B was my motherfucking monster
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I'm not particle take us around a particle dick is like in between rat book kitchen nails they put the clothes on the chair please you're so lone long but I'll wait for my data
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You got good white goals good vocals now watch me whip now watch me Nae Nae now watch me whip whip now watch me nae nae watch me watch me who won rain is your name the day because you look like
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What is your name the rake do you like look like heaven but backwards you look like shit hell oops lol
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I don't listen to rap much but I think like the only one that I would like actually be able to wrap the entire thing it's like super Bass by Nicki Minaj
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No I mean excuse me I have a guy Mike Pence fighting so shy and I'm loving it tight like Susan that I think is I/O yes I did yes I did with so much is I am lost
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Oh baby don't know why I hate you That's super Bass boom boom boom room boom boom boom boom room boom boom boom by and get the soup
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