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Gavin B 536d
Gavin B
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Gavin B
Gavin B
Gavin B
Gavin B
Gavin B
Gavin B
Gavin B
Gavin B
Gavin B
Gavin B
Vaniya 536d
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Lucas Taylor 536d
Lucas Taylor
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Brennah 536d
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Vae 536d
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Kitty 536d
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Roman 536d
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Daddy Big Balls
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Dnd 536d
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Kaykay 536d
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So what's something that's like your own opinion but you feel like if another person disagrees that they're just wrong like you shouldn't disagree Shouldn't disagree
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An overwhelming majority of transsexuals are autistic and while I agree we should let people do whatever they want people who are transsexual have mental illness and we should just acknowledge that not shaman for it but knowledge
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If you're wondering how to relate I don't know if you have ever met an autistic person but they're highly fixated on things and they obsess over things it's just how autistic people are they don't have this they don't run the same we do and what's happening in the game
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Is that these young kids are getting these ideas either from their peers or parents or somewhere on the Internet and they hyper focus and they obsess over being transsexual I don't know if y'all realize this but
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Even a decent part of the gay community dislikes transsexual and I think that's a problem today in western cultures is that look I'm all for people doing whatever they want to do as long as it is a harmony
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I think as a society we should be able to say you should be able to do what you want to do but you're absolutely didn't delusional and you're not mentally sound and just acknowledge that aspect acknowledged acknowledged that fact I feel like
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Most of the problems today in western cultures is because we are putting these highly autistic ha ha functioning autistic people in positions of power we're putting them up you know that you're there your boss or your manager
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I mean I live in the US but the current administration has hired a high functioning autistic people and so we're allowing the mentally sick the neurodivergent and the people who don't operate like
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The majority of people and frankly let me say it normal people these people are now in positions of power and they are feeding that hyper fixation onto the children as well and that's what's leading to the downfall of western society
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You can research everything I'm telling you right now that the artistic rate in the US has skyrocketed autism in western countries is skyrocketing autism is becoming super prevalent
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Do you also know it's at a current rise homosexuals and transsexuals once again the light to reiterate that I have no problem with the action but we need to acknowledge that it is not a normal reaction it is it is odd it's different
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And acknowledging that is all that is what frustrates me would be because like we don't knowledge it and it's like dude if you wanna get finger in the ass go get fingered in the ass you wanna mean but like let's not why are we all sitting here lying to each other
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Probably that getting your me medium rare is fucking disgusting bro. You're eating raw blood like that shit is nasty That is complete raw blood like I like my show well done cooked inside and out bro
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Wow footballs just football it isn't soccer it's football kick my butt with a except if your goalkeeper even so he's talking about with your fault like anybody who disagrees is probably American offense
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Oh blonde people blonde white people look like Elsa like I do not look like Elsa what do you want to see my little emoji thingy to do I love her also to you the fuck
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If you drink straight up milk I'm not Tamil like not have a flavor like so well like straight up dairy milk just like by itself you're weird
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Bring back public executions because I will be entertaining as fuck and you bet you'd like to see people done you're a diet which is pretty tasty and really yummy
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that trannies and people that use those fucking stupid ass fucking pronouns I degenerate, I need fucking therapy.
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That the earth is not flat. Yeah.
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I really don't care what people say but this is like just it should be a fact pineapple belongs on pizza definitely
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Because for one like abortion because like why do Kronos meant to take controls like what we do with our bodies my bitch I know they're not fucking know I don't care you just made me so mad talking about it and also when my parents say I know what you're talking about
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