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Cameron 553d
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Rahi 553d
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Rai 541d
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Are you a fan of movie trailers I know that there are people that like to wait for the release of trailers to get more information about a film to get first look say that's for me personally I just can't I don't watch them I purposely skip trailers of movies are coming just starting I just don't wanna see anything about a film before I go in a problem watching
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I used to enjoy watching movie trailers but my life don't really because I don't know they're all a bit samey to me these days and like I don't understand to a film and it Mum told one instrument.
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See I used to but then someone told me that trailers spoil the show in an hours Spider-Man trailer and it basically scored like 70% of the movies of the ends I've just got
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No chance man you got to go into a movie blind That's the way otherwise because I think nowadays too many movies are too bait with their trailers or the trailer that either do completely different from the movie because they're afraid of being baited. See ya.
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