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Mia Madison 555d
Mia Madison
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Caroline 555d
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Younggg Jordan
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Joe 554d
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Abigail Cruz 554d
Abigail Cruz
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Balls Deep in yo momma
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The Principal aka QDeezy
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Low-key 553d
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Siljae Taylor 553d
Siljae Taylor
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Siljae Taylor
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It's really for my Homies but I'm in Queens you can tap into what if you wanna relationship you feel me where you're at your girl you want me she doesn't put it even 20% of the effort you put in and gives you the bare minimum you feel me ladies do feel like a man is supposed to stay in it and see wrong for moving on and find out what he deserves and Homies what you doing bro are you staying in that are you trying to change that or are you getting fed up and tied it and realizing that in a mean you're worth more And ladies I'll be wrong for realizing I worked and moving on let me know
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No like you're not wrong for leaving bro cause if you're over it will be like you're wrong for leaving if we put an effort but you're you're allowed to
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I mean, it should be 50-50, but like some days you can't give 50. And so like, then you get like the 80-20 kind of deal, but it can't be like 80-20 like all the time. eventually it has to go back to like 50-50 or like other way around.
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Bro, I'm not even gonna lie. Once a man knows his worth, then he'll know that that relationship is toxic and that it's over. Once a man knows his worth, like, he would have already left that relationship a long timing.
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Let me know relationships are you wearing a fucking moose knuckles jacket are you poor can you not afford a real jacket what is a Canada goose stone Island fucking moose knuckles who are you
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I think it should be addressed if it hasn't been addressed already. Let them know that it bothers you. Let them know what you're feeling and see what happens and go from there.
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Stop your 24 seconds for the ladies and dude if the significant other that you're with doesn't put in any effort as much as you do leave them leave them completely
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If I only put it in 20% for no reason and you're putting in like 100 then fucking leave Richie break my heart like what
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No gone you got to be a 50-50 thing for me
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Definitely don't go with you bro fuck that fabulous bit from blue to match your foot now fuck that bitch from we just come and go fab so I need to send him and date yet mate I don't then was it fuck the bitch from from different leave
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As a former of always put in a work but I still had it in a day you know I get cheated on and I felt like I lost everything but I always talk to him and see what's up
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To add on to the first part C was on telecommunicator they still gonna bullshit you give me a horrible excuses I just had to wrap it up and I'll move on is over done
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