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Kaleighlayton 248d
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Kaleighlayton 248d
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Kaleighlayton 248d
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Kaleighlayton 248d
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Kaleighlayton 248d
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Kaleighlayton 248d
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Jay 248d
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Dai Dai 248d
Dai Dai
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Camscalling 248d
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Marcus Maxwell
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to me I will say yes but actually it is complicated the the first or second time but I'm just saying it out there for real like I'd be real about it cuz love is real cuz once you look at somebody yeah that's real love and I'm just saying that for real like shit is is real ain't no problem do it you say just
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you even believe it or not is just say it i'm just saying for some people but geez but anyways i'm saying is i believe in love first sight because first come first serve because if it's first serve or first come then either way it's love and i sometimes i love what i seek and that's say it
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Whenever you look at somebody for the first time, yeah, you may think it's real love. It really might, but all I know is... I don't know, but I'm thinking it's just, um, something. Something interesting.
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to some people that be Interested for it to be a love at first sight. I Say it's good But when people love it you got to experiment the love at first sight because once a person says something like that, it's like That mean if we're like do you experience this for real?
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to me honestly i would say yes if it's for real i'll say yes it is love at first sight because if you're in middle school we don't know for a phrase or if you're in like a kid then you would say yes i would believe in it too because i had some crushes when i was little but something got out of hand
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and that's okay so i'm saying is yes i believe in it but if some people just want to come out and say like whatever but i do
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Absolutely not. Looks aren't everything.
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I feel like love at first sight is something that isn't done with like a romantic intent. I feel like love at first sight is like when a mom sees her child for the first time and is experiencing unconditional love because, you know, no matter what this child does, no matter what they do, you're going to always love them and like be behind them forever versus like a couple. I feel like you can't look at them and just be in love with them. That's lust, not love. You can be in lust, but not in love.
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Bye bye.
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No, I don't believe in no love and no farsight. You're not gonna like somebody when you first meet them. A lot of people I'm friends with didn't even like me when I first met them. Till they got to know me and then that's when they somewhat start caring. Ain't nobody gonna love you at no farsight, that's stupid. Get to my ride.
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