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Jamel Alexander


Jamel Alexander

5 разговоров
8 подписчиков
Подписки 6
6 listeners
Is it masculine to be emotionally vulnerable?
Jamel Alexander и ещё 1
0 listeners
Talk with iamkelegy
Jamel Alexander и ещё 1
19 listeners
What does it mean to have a itching ears?
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
Jamel Alexander и ещё 6
18 listeners
Astrology talk
Donate at cashapp $NguKhemhotep1
Jamel Alexander и ещё 4
6 listeners
Vedic/Western Astrology paid Readings mixed with a side of Tarot.
Combining our gifts, we are providing paid reading to those that interested in what their Charts and the Divine have to say. Make a donation of $30 to each reader then we will invite you up. Cashapp: $NguKhemhotep1 $JemmaButterfly
Jamel Alexander и ещё 3
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