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Montimer René Mason


Montimer René Mason

-Writer-Translator/Musician -Father, two adult daughters -Double degree, Columbia University, honours -Northern English-Latinx biracial
11 разговоров
27 подписчиков
Подписки 35
32 listeners
Afternoon Tea with the DamFam Ep15
We'll be discussing the finale and making predictions for New Amsterdam season 5
Montimer René Mason и ещё 2
32 listeners
Say hello! Give us a topic for our talk.
Montimer René Mason и ещё 2
31 listeners
Afternoon Tea with the DamFam
Montimer René Mason и ещё 2
68 listeners
Afternoon Tea with the DamFam
New Amsterdam
Montimer René Mason и ещё 5
43 listeners
New Amsterdam Season 4 Episode 7 Chat
Discussion about new Amsterdam
Montimer René Mason и ещё 2
37 listeners
Afternoon Tea with the DamFam S4 E1
Montimer René Mason и ещё 6
57 listeners
Afternoon Tea with the Damfam
We're talking about Season 4 of New Amsterdam
Montimer René Mason
57 listeners
Afternoon Tea with the Damfam
We're talking about Season 4 of New Amsterdam
Montimer René Mason и ещё 1
57 listeners
Afternoon Tea with the Damfam
We're talking about Season 4 of New Amsterdam
Montimer René Mason и ещё 3
65 listeners
Afternoon Tea with the #DamFam
New Amsterdam Season 3 finale discussion
Montimer René Mason и ещё 3
18 listeners
We're talking New Amsterdam S3 EP14 + Sharpwin
Talking about our predictions for Tuesdays Episode as well as talking about what's happened previously on the show
Montimer René Mason и ещё 4
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