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Matt Thomas


Matt Thomas

12 разговоров
37 подписчиков
Подписки 56
12 listeners
Any Given Schmoeday #19: Star Wars/IG PPV recap
Cory and Dagan talk about the week's matches. Zack Burkett vs Gold Leader in the Star Wars tournament semifinals, Klee Wiggins vs Sabrina Ramirez, Doug Benson vs Chris Van Vliet, Gold Leader vs Thomas Harper in the tournament finals and Robert Parker vs Chandru 'The Chosen' in a #1 contender IG match. Plus, other headlines, burning questions and your messages!
Matt Thomas и ещё 2
4 listeners
Saber Reels w/ Matt and Toby
Discussing Kenobi Casting and Bad Batch Trailer
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
2 listeners
Saber Reels w/ Toby and Matt
Matt and Toby discuss the Kenobi series casting and the newly released Trailer for the Bad Batch
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
17 listeners
Recap of the Throwdown
Me and Matt will be recapping the Schmoedown ThrowDown and talk about these Epic Matches we witness tonight
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
11 listeners
Talk with rsconner
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
24 listeners
Schmoedown matches galore
Talking recent Schmoedown matches announcements
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
25 listeners
Super Bowl LV Recap
Discussing Super Bowl LV
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
26 listeners
Talk with brandonbuck
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
1 listener
Talk with thejackal
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
2 listeners
Top 5 Comicbook Movies
Join Matt and Jesse as they talk about their top 5 comicbook movies in no particular order.
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
8 listeners
Spin From The Reel- Quick Draft Thoughts
MTS Draft 2021 Reactions
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
7 listeners
Talking Schmoedown Draft Day
What do we expect to see at the Season 8 draft
Matt Thomas и ещё 1
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