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Laura-Mary Carter


Laura-Mary Carter

Co-host of Never meet your idols + One half of Blood red shoes rock duo + Jazz life records
3 разговоров
54 подписчиков
Подписки 8
80 listeners
Never Get Drunk With Your Idols
Join us for “happy hour”, submit questions in real time, and get the off the record scoop on past and upcoming episodes of Never Meet Your Idols
Laura-Mary Carter и ещё 1
41 listeners
Never Meet Your Idols: Off The Record
We’re going to dish about the latest Never Meet Your Idols episode with Mark Lanegan, talk about the upcoming episode with Portishead’s Geoff Barrow, and take your questions live... Join us!
Laura-Mary Carter и ещё 1
52 listeners
Never Meet Your Idols: Off The Record
Join us to hear our real thoughts on the latest episode of Never Meet Your Idols podcast and more...
Laura-Mary Carter и ещё 1
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