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Conversations can be oh so amusing...😆
4 разговоров
7 подписчиков
Подписки 1
17 listeners
Jenna Lena Presents: The Kings & Queens Guard
The King & Queens Guard - Private groups for Explicit conversation for men and women - This is an intro conversation
Kazie и ещё 2
86 listeners
Atheist v Theist E69 I'm your atheist host Aleph-Naught let's talk methodology!
Who/what is God? Is God real? Why do you believe it to be true? Can you demonstrate it to be true outside of yourself? Should anyone outside of you believe it to be true? What methodology do you use to determine what is true. Let talk finding more truths then false things . Faith, hope, God, souls, spirit, LGBTQ, abortion, BLM, racism, war, freedom, and morality. A talk about methodology.
Kazie и ещё 10
58 listeners
Does anyone have any questions for me?
Kazie и ещё 7
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