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👩🏼‍💻 Entrepreneur 💡 Mindset Is Everything 🌸 Build Your Best Life 🔍 Sign up & don't miss the launch AleenaMalik.com
3 разговоров
5 подписчиков
Подписки 3
4 listeners
Does the American Dream 🇺🇸 Still exist?
Transatlantic Chat with @Gosbert 🇬🇧 and @AleenaoutLoud 🇺🇸 on whether the American Dream exists. Is it still valid or is a total myth? The idea that with hardwork and determination, the USA is best placed to offer opportunity for all. Come with your opinions and chime in!
Aleena и ещё 1
2 listeners
Talk with mikaeel
Aleena и е��ё 1
2 listeners
Business & Mindset Book Club
This week we’ll be reading an excerpt from Think & Grow Rich then having a discussion! Hope to see you there 📚👩🏼‍💻
Aleena и ещё 1
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