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Jazmin 158d
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Aleph 𐤀
Aleph 𐤀
Aleph 𐤀
Aleph 𐤀
Aleph 𐤀 158d
Aleph 𐤀
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Aleph 𐤀 158d
Aleph 𐤀
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Aleph 𐤀
Aleph 𐤀
LetsJustThink 157d
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Travis Bickle 156d
Travis Bickle
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Travis Bickle 156d
Travis Bickle
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LetsJustThink 158d
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Aleph 𐤀
Ibrahim 158d
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Aleph 𐤀
LetsJustThink 158d
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Aleph 𐤀
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I'm a Muslim who was raised in the West and you know the whole woman getting you know unalive by not wearing a hijab that's not really Islam that's just that's culture it's not Islam. Islam is tolerable if you're actually doing it like actually practicing by religion and not culture so it's tolerable trust me
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But Jasmine, you have to understand that Islam creates a culture. It's not just a religion, right? It's not like when you go to America and church and state are separate so we can say that, oh, the culture isn't Christian, but, you know, you can just go to religion. No, in Islamic countries, the culture and the religion is one, right? You live out exactly how the Quran and the Hadith say you're supposed to live out in the culture, in society.
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Let's ask a scholar, scholars of Islam, would you say that Islam preaches separation of church and state, or would you say they don't allow people to practice their own religion and you must conform to Islam?
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You are partially right indeed. Islam is a way of life. It is not a passive religion independent of real life like Christianity That doesn't change your life. Just say I'm a Christian and do whatever you want This does not mean that all actions of Muslims are imposed by Islam This is why the laws of Muslim countries and their cultures are not identical But the ancient Islamic countries in history who implemented Islam faithfully achieved glory in all fields
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It just seems like you're biased and you don't really want to learn more about Islam and You're kind of just making up this facade because The people in these countries are going off of culture not religion. You have to get that through your head not religion
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all right so number one right is the hijab part of culture or islam can you please tell me that first and foremost like let's go through this one by one because then your accusation of me being biased or not we're gonna see how much sense that's gonna make so tell me is the hijab part of culture or is it part of religion is it part of islam
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The hijab is part of Islam, but people confuse Islam with culture. They mix it up.
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Alright then, so if the hijab is part of Islam and there are things that exist which are called Islamic countries, we can actually safely say they are Islamic countries. Would it not be fair to say that Islam creates the culture of these countries? God, this is the social rule and Islam determines the ordinances and laws of these countries, isn't that the same thing? Doesn't then the religion become the culture?
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Islam does not, like I said, people hide behind religion to make their actions validated basically because nobody's going to bat an eye if they say, oh, it's Islamic or it's a part of Islam. Even in Christianity, people say they're Christians and they have sex and they do drugs and sin all the time, but they're still Christian. So again, people are extremists.
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Okay, it's interesting that you say that there's extremist Muslims because you're either a Muslim or you're not I don't think there's an extreme way to follow the Quran other than absolutely follow it Do you know I'm saying but anyway, I think you're missing the point because you're bringing up Christianity. I'm saying there are such things as Islamic countries and at the heart of these Islamic countries is The Quran the hadiths and what they teach. All right, there's no such thing as a Christian country So you can't kind of use that example
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Mean it seems like you're not understanding the point because I said It does not say in Islam in any way shape or form that if hijabi takes off her hijab to execute her Okay, you're just bringing that up You're saying this is what happened and this is what they did because that's what they do in a lot of not a lot I mean, I guess some in some Islamic countries they're doing too much and death is not punishable if You take your hijab off so I don't understand where you're coming from
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How could you say it's not Islamic when it's literally commanded within the Quran and Hadith that the women are supposed to cover their hair or suffer punishment? How is that not Islamic? And then as a matter of fact, how did she end up in court? Because that's the thing as well. How are women in Islam, Islamic countries, being summoned to court because they're not wearing a hijab? Imagine!
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So technically, it's Islamic, but simultaneously not entirely obligatory. Because ultimately, it is a decision of the woman on whether or not she's going to wear it. Sometimes it is a big decision. And also, Iran is kind of an exception. Like, there are a ton of Islamic countries that don't force you. Like, I come from a Muslim country where it's not forced. Like, I even have family members that don't wear the hijab.
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And Tehran is an extreme theocratic state. Keep that in mind. You don't see the implementation of Islamic law in other Sharia compliant states as deleterious, or leading to deleterious consequences, as in Tehran. So, I totally get the criticism, but this is also criticism that you get from Muslims as well.
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It's not Islamic to kill people if they don't wear hijab, but just like Mary wore a covering over her head, Islamic women wear coverings over their head too. I think that's what Vlas meant when he said it is Islamic. I don't think he meant killing of women was Islamic. Correct, Vlas?
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In the Quran, it says there is no compulsion in religion. Compulsion. Meaning you can be forced to do things.
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Please quote the Quran for me, please, where it says that where God said that you'll be punished for not covering your hair. I might have missed that one.
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Now you're just making shit up because the Quran does not say that and Muslim women are told to wear their hijab in the Quran but again, we are beings that have free will and In order like if you wear it or not, that's just between you and God But there's nothing in the Quran saying kill the person if they're not wearing the hijab. It's just told that you should wear it So get your facts straight
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I mean, it's obligatory, but again, free will. We all have free will. We're not like animals and stuff. We can make our own decisions, and it's between God and the person. But what I'm basically, what it is, and I don't know wherever this comes from, it's the culture that's doing this and hiding behind religion, which is really dumb.
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Yeah, exactly.
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And bear in mind, this is why Islam is crazy, because you're not opposed to these two young women that's died, right? No one said anything about these two young women dying or condemned their actions or whatever. What's going on is you lot are just all defending Islam. No one gives a damn about these women. No one actually investigates and say, why are these things happening? Because these are not only, these aren't the only two female victims of this.
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These things are happening over and over and over again. We even had, a couple months ago, those, she looked like she was from like Eastern Africa, like kind of like Somalian. She was, I guess she was doing something on TikTok without her hijab. Her brother beat her senseless. No one, no Muslims have come out and say, yo, leave the woman alone if they don't wanna wear the hijab. No, no, no, no. It's only when we start talking about Islam and why it's actually permissible to do these things to a woman for not wearing the hijab, all of you wanna defend Islam.
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What you're trying to do is you're trying to attack Islam when you need to be attacking the country's policies because it's not Islamic to kill people if they're not covered up like nuns are. Do you think the nuns get beat up when they choose to cover themselves? So just like how in Islam they choose to cover themselves. But what we're saying is that it is not Islamic to beat women when they don't cover themselves. These are states that have gone rogue and do their best to cover themselves.
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The A.I. got it wrong at the end. What I was trying to say is that these states are rogue states. They take it upon themselves to make their own laws. So, take it with them, you know, the fact that they... I'm not even going to get into this one because it's not an Islamic thing to beat people if they don't put on covers, like the nuns. Okay, that's all I'm trying to say. Just, it's not Islamic, so don't think it's a Muslim thing. It's not. It's an Iranian law thing.
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I mean, me for real. I mean, again, a lot of cultures are messed up. I'm Somali myself, I'm not gonna lie. I really, really do not like my culture, especially how, you know, women are treated. But again, every single culture is that way, you know what I mean? Every culture is just messed up, because they're just going off of what or how people lived back in the day, and they want this generation to live the same way. But that's not the way. That's not how it is.
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And I'm assuming death and killing people for not following Cultural norms and stuff are killed all over the world. It's not just Islam It just seems like you're nitpicking Islam You just want to find the bad in it and don't want to you know, learn more about the good
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okay so here's the thing in many countries right they i agree they do practice sharia to different extents right some are more strict some are more lax however the main route here is islam all of these laws and legislations come from islam the same way people can be put to death for talking bad about muhammad is the same way people can be arrested for not wearing hijab the issue is islam
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Why is it okay for a nun to be covered up? She's not being oppressed, right? But when it comes to a Muslim girl, all of a sudden she's being oppressed. Hmm. What's up with the double standard?
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Islam needs a reformation, just like Christianity did, and Muslims brag about the Quran never being updated or revised, but that's a bad thing. You're going off what a motherfucker said 1,800 years ago or something like that? Like come on, guys. Some things in the Bible and also in the Quran are pretty bigoted and hateful and ignorant. Stop pretending it's not there.
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I would also like to say that more Muslim countries need an actual statute of a separation of church and state. You know, when you have a theocratic government, they're going to force their opinion, their will of how they interpret their beliefs on everybody else. Because religion is subjective, and people can read the same verse and get a completely different interpretation of it. Keep religion out of politics.
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I asked an Iranian man about this because it was not very Islamic what they did at all. So he said to me that she had a heart attack in court. You could actually go see that video footage of her having a heart attack and that is how she died. She did not die by the hands of the police.
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You can't be serious.
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Can I be serious about I'm, I'm confused. Midwest, please clarify. I can't be what I can't be serious about.
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What he's basically saying is that you've seen the headline and you've asked some random man, an Iranian man, about what he thinks about it, meanwhile he's not even, I doubt that he was even directly witnessing what was going on, but there's a narrative that's been put out there and you've put out that narrative without further investigation so you're going with her hearsay to say that she didn't die at the hands of the police. You don't know that, you just heard an opinion.
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Some Western countries accuse Muslim communities of forcing women to cover their heads. But at the same time, these same countries force women not to cover their heads so it's not a question of religion. It is above countries to forcing or not to forcing a choice on its people. It has nothing to do with Islam. Some countries even force homosexuality lessons to kids without approval of their parent and brainwashed the future generation. It is not logic to pick few examples from a country and give a general conclusion.
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Okay, so tell me something, yeah, if it's not a question of religion, where does the hijab come from? It comes from Islam, right? In countries like Iran and Iraq, what is the consequence for women not wearing the hijab when it's mandatory in those countries? Tell me what the punishment is and if there's punishment that contributes to the fact that it is forced. You are supposed to do this otherwise there's a consequence.
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Covering women's head is also mentioned in Bible, but anyway, the women have the choice to do whatever she wants, but some Western countries deleted this option to choose to wear the hijab. I don't know the rules of all countries, but I know that several Muslim countries don't force women to wear the hijab. You can just look of their media channels and see that some women don't cover their head and still alive.
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It's like it would be the equivalent of saying, oh, uh, you know, God, I hate using this. I hate, hate using this because I don't like talking negatively about other people's religions. But if you, I mean, you're making me say this stuff and I don't like it, but think about, you know, the Catholic church and the children. And so if we were to say like, oh, in the Catholic church, this is what they do. That's a part of their religion. No, it's not a part of their religion. These are people who have done things that.
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Listen, you can say whatever you like Because number one I'll let you know that the Catholic Church isn't of God anyway Right and number two the Pope who's actually in charge of that church Not God hasn't put out any orders to rectify the issue of mass pedophilia Number three if the Catholics claim to go by the Bible, there's not one Bible verse that supports child pedophilia However in the Quran they do support hijab
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but not beating someone for not wearing it.
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