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I definitely teleportation because like I can just teleport like inside your grandpa's butt hole and like eat his ass from the inside like gobble that shit up like lick it like lick it clean like
OK my bad I just had a talk about like sexy and hot and like that I know your grandpa was I just need to like get a Off my chest and now that I have I think I'm gonna go to animal time again like right now
Can you pick me up at flight or like actually stupid bro like why really what is the purpose I want to feel the wind in my hair shut up I'll go to a beach car
See but here's the thing why do you need a fly if you could just teleport there that's like the stupidest fucking question I've ever seen in my whole goddamn life
I low-key wanna fly like I mean with teleportation I Candace spawn myself in the air and then just for but I want to like flaw so I'm going with light on care which I say I'm not gay