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Okay, so let's talk about my supposedly best friend. So, she she was at her house and so me and my other best friend were going over there because my brother wanted to go over there and so we decided to play like like some games and so my other best friend like she's very judgmental of literally everybody and she gets really mad whenever I have other friends but it's like fine for her to have other friends and so anyway we were playing we played a few games and everything was fine but she was like barely talking. We're gonna call her purple is my best friend who judge everybody purple and then my best friend that I brought over there we'll call her pink. So freaking purple was just like being so awkward and being like look at you being a bitch like she kept side eyeing pink and like just having an attitude towards her for no reason and pink is really nice like pink is like one of my sweetest friends and purple is like always got an attitude like she's just whatever and so we leave after a while we leave and my brother stays over there to play with her little brother my little brother stays to play with her little brother and tell me why after he comes home like a few days later
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