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Boobooski! Yo, I really thought you were trolling, but they- they're putting meat all in the middle of a pancake like that? But it- it fucking looks good. Mmm!
Of course, especially for Mona. I went to the store, gave them instructions, and they basically did it. So when it's cooked on the bottom, you just flip it like a taco. You know, you make like a little quesadilla. But it's really good because pancakes with cheddar cheese and turkey bacon is a really good mix.
and make a little cuss-a-dee-a you went to the store said hey I need you to make this video for Mona um go ahead such a troll you really didn't do that right like you you had this you found this video and then did it a voiceover I can never tell with you Jim you're such a heckler