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It's literally just curly swirls. I don't see what it could mean or anything. It just looks like the pattern of a snail shell. That's literally all it looks like. All like, just circling around. I don't get the deep meaning of this fucking logo. Can someone, can someone explain something to me here? Am I missing something?
I absolutely love the way you brought this up into conversation because I feel like for people who don't know about it should learn more so good point you're raising here.
Well, when I see this symbol, to me it looks like one of those hypnotic things that you put in people's face and you say, you are going to be under my power, you are going to be hypnotized, you are going to be under my control, you are going to do everything that I say once I snap my fingers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,