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Well, I'm going to state that women want sex more just because the fact is they can have sex more. Men generally have sex once and then that's it. Women can generally want to go again and again and again. So, by that standard they want more. Generally, on a basis of who wants sex more in a relationship, it's just on who settles. Because if the person that settles, that person isn't going to have sex as much as the other person because the other person thinks they've got something more special and wants to fuck it more. So, that's the concept in a relationship.
Well, if you think about it, it's not more men now, it's more, well now, with a lot of women now are doing ********, what are men gonna think when they see a lot of sex, when they see that? You know, oh, they're doing, showing their naked bodies and so sex, so a lot of men are gonna think on that, oh, I want sex from her, a lot of sex. So yeah, so I think.
I don't think, well, it's kind of right and wrong at the same time, because it's true, you know, both genders want to have sex more, but at the same time, modern day is making it, you know, something not to do that much, if that makes sense.
I think to get obsessed, I'm not saying so, but the fact that we live in this current age where people could freely and easily get access on those such things, on social media, I think that's one of the major factors that why people think something like that. And also the cause of depression, like people these days not really socialize with each other, and that's also going to cause this problem.
I don't think modern day men and women are obsessed with sex. I feel like for generations, it's been a desire to have sex. It's not like an obsessiveness. When you desire something, that's something that you want to fulfill in your life, something that gives you, you know, some like, you know, like sexual drive, some sexual arousal. I wouldn't say it's obsessiveness. I think it's just something that, you know, as a male or female, people truly desire and with the right person, they'll do it.