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Hello, my beautiful Stereo family. I need y'all to understand how much I am ready to put up my tree. I literally just asked him, I'm like, are you sure you want to go ahead and put up the tree now? He's like, no. You know it's me. I don't eat until things get late night. Y'all, I walked into Walmart today, and they had so many amazing Christmas stuff up and it smelled all pine coley and... It was Christmas, y'all. I really do enjoy the holidays. I think it has a lot to do with that. I didn't get to do this when I was younger, so I'm like a big ass kid as a grown woman. Y'all ready? It is time to be all lovey-dovey and nice and amazing. Get your Christmas spirit out, bitches. Get it out. Go and grow. You know what? I need to yell at y'all.
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