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Superhuman 513d
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Girl Talk
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So something that I know a lot of people find entertaining is reading the comment section of a post. And oftentimes you'll find people fighting. And I just want to ask what's a crazy situation you read between two or more people? Because I've read quite a few, but I think the top one would have to be to call out a cheater. And then like the other woman or other guy jumping in, like, oh my goodness. Like, and it turned into like a digital brawl. I was like, wow, like, whoa, and take it out of the comment section and have it in your DMS or meet in person. Like, I think some things are taken way too far. And in that case, that was insane. Uh, but yeah, if you've ever really, I mean, come on, we've all witnessed something. I would love to hear a situation or two that really made your jaw drop.
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this is such a really good question and such a creative one as well we have definitely witnessed many many instances of online brawls and you know I cannot recall any of them off the top of my head right now but I definitely have witnessed a few and I've definitely been a part of few unnecessarily people have picked up on me and you know I might have picked up on somebody else as well you know unknowingly unintentionally but yeah
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Well, thank you for calling my question really good and creative, and yeah, I honestly, I feel like we all have seen some generic ones where it's like what you just said, where you've witnessed people like unnecessarily like joining in and, you know, picking up on the drama and then yeah, it just like ends up being something so out of control that you just can't, you can't help but just be a bystander, like you don't want to get into it. So no, I totally understand.
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