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The best revenge is to leave them. Don't say anything, just leave them. Sometimes no words or lack of words hurt someone more than hearing words. They want to hear your voice. Don't even let them hear your voice. Delete them, ghost them, remove them.
I would love to take her and make her feel comfortable make a quick her job make her feel like she don't need her job mental feel like you got how you support her dad just kick that bitch out like be homeless my Nager
Either fuck their dad or their mom or their siblings or someone in their family or dump a bunch of rubber bands into their driveway because they can't sweep it up will have to just pick each one up individually
Oh my god, I have something for you girl. Key is car, send Jehovah's Witness to his house, sign him up for the army. This is all stuff I did by the way.
Put his number, put his phone number on keys, random keys and put them around your town. People will not stop calling him because they think it's his keys. So that is good revenge.
And I sent 10,000 in spam emails to school account and I emailed his school a video of him saying the N-word and he got kicked off the football team so they already go