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Consciousness 426d
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I have noticed that there are a lot of young, impressionable boys on here. And I say boy and not men because, yeah, they're either young and act like children or old and act like children. But yet again, like I said, they're boys. There are also women that allow these boys to gang clout because of how childish they are. But then wonder why dudes don't want to talk to them. Why men don't want to approach them. Because you playing in the sandbox with a little boy, they look at you as a pedo. Not a real woman. Sorry but true.
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These words ain't going to help these women. Do you think these words are going to help these women when they're having so much problems choosing in the first place? Do you think they're going to understand what you mean? They're probably going to think, oh yeah, I need more of a rich man and shit like that. You know the delusion of women, it's thick. So they're going to think you mean something else. Women always take their own objectives onto yours and be like, yeah, that's what you meant.
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