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Well, there you go. There is your answer. If 84% said yes, God is real, then yeah, there is your answer. God is real. I mean, I have a video that this guy ran into a train head on and he survived. In fact, you see the video at the end and he just walked out. If that's not God, then tell me what is.
Biblical gods? Who knows. As far as there being a first, a creator and all that shit? Yeah. But in the way that people think? Probably not. It has to be a first, it has to be a start. So that's what we perceive to be as God. It could be merely someone leaving out a sandwich and starting a mould life. Or it could be some biblical god.
I think yeah because I don't know there's proof and shit and like I'm a Christian my parents and everybody believe in them and like what's not to believe like I mean how else have we been created like you know
Obviously he's real, like I don't get people who are like, oh, God's not real, blah, blah, blah. Like, if you guys don't believe in God, you need to find God, because God helps everybody through shit. And like, it's amazing, you know? Like, that's all I'm saying, you gotta find God. He'll help you through everything, and he created you guys. He's the one who created everything, this whole world. That's what God did.
Right, so I didn't believe in God until a couple years ago when I started getting smarter. When you take how miraculous everything is, the universe, life, even just basic ecosystems, it's hard to believe it just happens naturally.
Yeah, then obviously it being hard to believe that can happen naturally It's just hard enough and obviously the reward of when you pray like that good emotion Stays with you forever. Every time you pray you just feel better and better God's just making you better and better every time And like I said the universe and all that You
Like if gravity was a little bit stronger, like a minuscule amount, everything would collapse and implode, go into each other and crush. If gravity was a little bit weaker, then everything would just spread out, expand forever and destroy themselves ultimately. That's all there is to it.
It's just perfect. Everything's at the perfect size, at the perfect place, at the perfect time for just existence in general. The existence of everything that exists and it's all just perfect in place.
It's almost impossible to doubt God after that point, knowing all that, for everyone. Me, personally, it is impossible to doubt God after knowing all that. There's more that I've not mentioned, but I'm not gonna say it, making four hours of voice notes. But when you look at everything, even science and that, it's just everything's miraculously put in place perfectly.
I've had so many instances in my life where blessings are delivered. I've been saved from really crazy-ass situations, okay? Just so many different instances, serendipities, wild encounters that I know that God is real. But I also, you know, don't take it away from the atheists that don't believe in God either because...