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I might be going to hell but I love this. I might be going to hell but um fuck that bitch. Like look what she was doing to him. She deserved that. Sorry. Not fucking sorry. She deserved that. Accepting surprise. Yeah don't be surprised bitch. Hit someone else you might get hit back.
Until that eight percent, whoever that fucking is, that said never hit a woman. There's a thousand reasons to hit someone and this is one. Look at the man, the man was minding his business, never put his hands on her and she done that because she's another entitled bitch. She got what she deserved.
It's all fun and games until you actually touch a man and then a man reacts and then he gives you the ass whooping of your life. You know what I'm saying? Don't touch a man, woman. Like, woman, do not touch a man. Because then if a man beats your ass, then you had it coming because you thought you had it. You know what I'm saying? Just don't do that. There's no reason to.