Julieprunes I’m doing an #artchallenge2023 Day 2 - murder scene... #art #creativity #fyp #trending #stereo #halloween #spookyJulieprunes on Instagram: "I’m taking part in @artch4ll3ng3d #ArtChallengeGame (follow him for the full details of today’s brief and for sone excellent spooky recommendations) Day 2 - Murder Scene. Thought I’d try using alcohol markers that I bought years ago but never used. As there were references in todays challenge to the film ‘Ghost’, I set my murder scene in Molly Jensen’s pottery shop #artchallenge2023day2 #artchallenge2023 #ArtChallenge #Halloween #art #murderer #ghost #poison #drinkme #murderscene #serialkillers #interrogation #crimescene #tarot #halloweentarot"www.instagram.comSuivre82PartagerCopier le lien sur la publication
Julieprunes #ArtChallengeGame Day 5 -Eating People “Design some food with human body parts” #stereo #art #trending #fyp #creativity #mentalhealth #halloween
Julieprunes #ArtChallenge2023 Day 4 - Zombified. If you fancy having a go (you don’t have to do every day) follow @artch4ll3ng3d on IG #fyp #creativity #art #stereo ALL ABILITIES/STYLES WELCOME
Julieprunes I’m doing my first ever #ArtChallengeGame during October. Day 1 - I put a spell on you #art #creativity #halloween #trending #fyp