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So people doing these on TikTok and it won't make me get this app so if I don't get any replies then I'm deleting it I don't care but write me know if you don't I'm not I know I don't take criticism to do it no I don't take racism out and I do it but make it funny so I can laugh or cry
Come on darling I think orange is a stretch I mean we're getting there I'm working on it I'm getting more orange by the day I'm getting there but I don't think I'm quite there yet I think you're being a tiny bit dramatic sweetheart
Taking the piss like your original I don't know how you did it and I would uni I don't know you should be proud of it but you always know somehow you original
No I am orange I don't know how I achieve to either lifelong dream but you know when you put your mind to something you can do it you can do amazing things so I think as that's the case here
Queen you are so pretty oh my God you're making skills a like for real you like that British make up skills and beers we will be Hayton but I kind of live.ly deviates
Narcos same Alex your phone is off of tick-tock we all just seems to be American people but anyway moving on or to say annoying just purely because the nails throw me off a bit why they're so chunky birth but yeah anyway
Don't even start me on the nails I know that so bad basically they were really long and two of them snapped off so that was gonna cut them all down to the same length but they made them not really worth thickness like you say yeah it is all American people and the first British person I found
Yeah I mean they're so chunky but I won't violate but yeah I like literally all American people but I feel like that's funny or do you mind me your flight is more funny
I think 3.5 pounds is no but your Mattick I don't think makes measured in pounds but I'll let you have it I think maybe you just need to sit down and have a cup of tea chill out and then maybe reevaluate dogs I think you're being a bitch your Mattick
So you know those tick-tock videos and it's like I am but you don't look British and then those girls that put on all those men yeah you look like you did one of those respectfully
I don't get how people can tell I don't see it I mean I'm not take an insult cause I am British but like if you show me like free American girls and free British girls mix them up I won't be able to tell you which was which I don't see a difference but I went upstairs I'll take it
No, it's just like when it's a TikTok audio and it's like, oh, um, you don't look British though and it's like, oh, I'm sorry, let me just, and then they do their makeup to make it, But yeah, I don't know.
I know I've seen I've seen the video I know what you're talking about darling I know the vid the TikTok audio I just don't like when they do the video and some other time like when they do it and then they change it I don't know why they change to look British I just don't see it but I'll take it yeah I know what you're about yeah I got you
I would probably be more offended you say that if I didn't have my hair booked in for April 14 I'm getting outside brown and then highlights so maybe that'll fix it I kind of see what you mean it does kind of my happens my forehead is the same color I see you