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Hey Stereo and my beautiful Stereo family. I love this video so much just off the street, but this is what I do I love making a parody song and things like that We definitely made a potty song. It's a couple potty songs we made up. I love this go to What did you say? It's time to leave you here. That's what your mama said. Oh Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep. It's so cute. It's so cute. I love stuff like this Do you have fun songs you make up for your kids and make up with your kids or things like this? Make parody songs for different situations. I'm always doing this shit like this. You've seen my lives, you know, I'm always coming up with weird shit It's happening with me. See you in these Stereo streets
This is a great post. It got me reminiscent about my two girls. Two little girls, man. I was always making up songs. Very animated. So shout out to this post, Tammy.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, Tammy shoutouts to this shit. I do that shit now cuz like I said, I got an almost two-year-old and breath Since like day one we would always make up little songs and shit, you know to me I think that's why I like Gracie's corner cuz uh, a lot of those songs are remixed nursery rhymes You know what? I mean, and they just do it in their own little cool way. So I like that shit But yes, I'll be thinking I can make jingles, bruh The way me and my wife be remixing some of these songs are just coming up with random stuff to get him to cool down
This is hilarious. For me, it's the mom's little shoulder shimmy when she's like, oh, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. Yeah, that made it real. Carry yourself to bed. Good night, sweetie pie. See you in the morning. Sweet dreams.