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Being a fan of The Walking Dead and left for dead all those zombie genres for the war Z etc. at least ponder the question what would I do or what would you do during the zombie apocalypse
I would learn how to be an apocalypse chef, okay? I'd be cooking it up making videos and my phone probably not the battery and and the power of private app nevermind. Let me think about it.
All right so survival mode I'm on read the police present and I'll look for a Nissan was believes guns and that shit you know stuff like that but I don't have answer for you
For my peace of mind I am going to find a Walmart target anything of that nature maybe a Dick's Sporting Goods or more and I'm going blood she crazy and I'm off work I'm just now
Zombie apocalypse means no more internet so I would hit up a library to learn things like how to grow my own food, how to forage, and how to make things that will no longer be available.