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Consciousness 545d
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Tee 549d
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Secret depuis New Ellenton
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Secret depuis New Ellenton
Secret depuis New Ellenton
Kiki 545d
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Secret depuis New Ellenton
Omar 542d
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Alright so, does anybody have any tips to like, lose weight a little much faster, cause like, um, I'm still like getting used to the whole doing exercise thing, but like right now I'm all, all I'm really doing is just like going out for walks or a little bit of jogging, um, but like, yeah, and just like help me out, cause I know there's gotta be like some people in here that's like into all that like exercising, but um, yeah, just let me know like, what, what kind of, what kind of things can I eat, or um, what kind of exercises should I try, and then yeah.
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The biggest thing for me was instead of snacking on junk food when I was hungry, I went from Snacking on just straight-up junk food to whenever I got hungry I'd choose something like a vegetable or fruit to eat instead and then eventually I got down to where I could just straight-up Tell myself no, which obviously it was a progression like over a long time But basically working up your tolerance to saying no to food Was for me
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I don't know maybe try swimming I mean it's fun and it's good exercise when you jump in the pool for like a couple hours an hour each day I mean it's just like a fucking workout really but make sure you're doing some lengths and they just fucking sitting in the pool watching the chicks
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Absolutely swimming is the best way to lose weight fast. Did you know when you swim every muscle in your body is moving? Every one. Even your cheek and nose and eye muscles are moving when you swim. So I concur with this response.
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Honestly, I lost a lot of weight when I was a chef, and I was sweating every day. I wasn't eating too much. I'm not saying don't eat, but I honestly didn't eat very much. Lots of water. Honestly, caffeine will make your metabolism higher. So yeah, just a lot of.
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Cut out the sugar. Sugar is the enemy. Doesn't just mean sweet stuff. That's bread, rice, potatoes.
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Sorry, but how the fuck does potatoes have sugar bro fruit and vegetable doesn't have sugar and even if it does it's fucking natural sugar like Bread and rice is fine rice and like lentil soup is actually very healthy Like what the fuck are you getting your information from? Also, you can eat whatever the fuck you want and still be skinny
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Yeah, um, about the potato thing. I was kind of thinking about that. I just didn't want to say anything, but potatoes should be healthy. I don't think it's bad as long as, like, the way that you make it, too.
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yeah they help with weight loss but i feel like maybe if you're frying it then maybe i don't know but they're like boiled potatoes fried potatoes like it's healthy it's like really healthy it helps with weight loss as well so i don't know what they're talking about they probably meant like fried potatoes like chips like fries
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yeah I know if it's like fries but if you're eating it like boiled and that's healthy
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Basically, I eat noodles and frozen food like pizza, fries and stuff like that and like I can't like eat like lentil soup every day or like rice, so yeah. It's really hard to eat like healthy every day like when all I have is frozen food and I don't want to waste it or whatever, so yeah. As long as you like your exercising, I think.
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Don't be fucking sorry, just keep researching. It's plain as day, if sugar wasn't in fruit, you wouldn't fucking eat it. That's why it's so delicious. It's sweet, duh, and it's only natural because it hasn't had any added chemicals to it to make it a synthetic sugar. Keep fucking researching, keep fucking researching.
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well if you just do a quick research on google and say does potatoes have sugar and then you'll read and then google do does starch have sugar and then you'll see i'm not pulling shit out of my ass you asked for advice so i gave it to you
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Just slowly cut back on sugar and carbs. You still need complex carbs In like simple sugars, but like To start out, you know small but increase your vegetables out of a little bit more, you know spice and heat to your dish and Drink a lot of water
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Uh, yeah. I mean, I've been going outside, going for walks and stuff like that. Um, but yeah. I mean, about the sugar stuff, like, I kind of knew about that. Um, just cutting back on, like, no more drinking sodas and, like, juices and stuff like that.
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Drinking a lot of water is true, but at first you should cut, I guess, you can eat soup and rice, but like, you can eat whatever you want and still be skinny.
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Um, I don't know about eating whatever I want, um, cause like, it's like, some people can eat like complete shit and they don't gain weight and for me it's like, I could eat like shit and I'll gain weight, so like, I gotta like, watch what I eat.
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Yeah true, but it's just cuz I have no healthy food in the house And I don't want to eat lentil soup every fucking day or rice every day, and so um Yeah, just cuz what my friend told me cuz she's skinny, but she eats whatever she wants So maybe I don't know it's very hard to eat healthy like every day Cuz like what the hell are you gonna eat soup for the rest of your life?
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This is the exact same thing that I said, Frenchie, and all these people in this post are acting as if I said something totally out of the norm.
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They're just gonna say go to the gym like bitch are you gonna pay for my gym membership you dumbass
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Right, like I don't have the money right now to go to the gym, so like I'm trying to do this shit as much as I can from home, because yeah, money's tight right now, sadly.
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It's literally $800 for a year, which is crazy to me and like I'm broke so I just do in bed exercises like before bed Exercises, it's like YouTube videos. So that's what I would recommend you to do like, um, it's pretty easy we just do it like every day and then I haven't like noticed any change, but I have to like Continuously do it. So yeah, I'll just let you know, but um, yeah Yeah, I'm broke
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I would recommend like an exercise bike like maybe a treadmill like if you can find a cheap one but if not then I don't know like a mini treadmill they're kind of cheap I guess maybe I don't know how much they are 300 depends like what you can afford or exercise bike that's like cheap or like weights whatever you can afford and you can just like watch YouTube videos and like stuff so that would definitely help
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You don't need to go to the gym. You can just use cans in your pantry. You can use gallons of water as weights. You can use your own body weight to strengthen your muscles. The gym is a crock of shit. If you want to lose weight, put your mind to it and do it.
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No, you can just buy an exercise machine or like do at-home exercises with YouTube videos or just buy weights
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He just said he cannot afford a gym membership. Exercise equipment is extremely expensive. And people on this feed are giving him natural ways to lose weight versus buying a product. Get your listening ears on this AM.
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Bro I said he can get like a $300 treadmill if he can't afford $800 maybe he can afford a treadmill like a cheap exercise thing and I don't think fucking weights are that much and also I said to do at home exercise like in bed exercises watch YouTube videos
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Are you stupid? Weights are literally like $17 on Amazon. You're stupid.
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Go to the gym PR every day and sadly you cannot eat as much lasagna as you'd like it's it's upsetting sad, but do that and Also cardio isn't horrible doesn't kill your gains like people say I promise so do 30 minutes is good. I usually just do like running really So just do that every day six days a week and you'll be awesome
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