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Brandon 548d
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Tyler Evan Stinson
Jedd 548d
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Sir Charlo 546d
Sir Charlo
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Sir Charlo
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I definitely believe in aliens cuz look at you you're out of this world
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Uh, I'm gonna go with aliens on this one.
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I believe that ghosts exist and I believe that if aliens do exist and they're not from another planet they're just outside of the universe period I believe that they're transcendal demons I know that sounds kind of wild but think about it though what if the image of an alien like the casual you know the known image of an alien where did that come from you feel me and why would they come looking like that something that made up
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Like, like, why would they come looking like how we made them up to look like in fiction? And if they did come like that Then that would mean that Something's shape-shifting because that's that doesn't make sense The idea of an alien looking like that was made up in hollywood So if an alien like how they say if aliens are real and they're showing them like, oh, they got the big old head with the eyes That's just demons shape-shifting them
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