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So something I noticed that people are really picky about are actually salads, surprisingly. Like a lot of my friends don't like most vegetables, so they don't even eat a salad, but I have a salad once every single day. Like I need my fix of veggies and I love them. So let me know, are you a fan of salads or is it just not your thing?
I'm definitely a huge fan of salads. I kind of go through phases though where like I make so many salads like I could literally just eat salads for so long and then I just don't find the motivation to make a salad or eat a salad.
Oh my gosh, that is actually me, like if I eat so many salads, like especially over several weeks, I feel like I need a break, but then I find myself wanting one again, and then the cycle repeats. So very, very relatable.
I love salads. I know I can be a little bit picky with you know like certain things like I'm not a fan of onions kale or beets but other than that I'll take anything else on my salads
That's actually really fair. No, that's understandable, because like beet, oh, I had that like a couple months ago in one of my salads and I was like, yeah, never again. So that was a lesson learned.