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Big Tam Tam
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Hey Cereal and my beautiful Cereal family. Now that summer is on it's way out the door. I was just wondering, how did your summer treat you? Did you do anything fun this summer? Did you get out of the house? Did you enjoy it? I just, I don't know. I've got questions. Because I personally am looking forward to fall. I love fall. I'm in the south so fall is like the perfect weather down here for me. It's like the perfect season. And the trees look so pretty in the fall. But, I just thought about my summer. It wasn't too bad. So I was wondering, how was you guys' summer? Drop me a comment and let me know.
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Hey, what's going on Tammy? How you doing? How you doing? Yeah, our summer over here in the DMV. It wasn't too bad You know we got that like 80s 90s and got up into a high 90s at a certain point in time during this summer But it wasn't bad me and my wife took a couple of trips in the state to two or three different spots You know to mean enjoyed ourselves with me her and my son, you know, so but yeah, I can't wait for fall Oh fall is is I'm ready for it. I'm ready for it. I need to cool down
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Good morning Shay listen, uh, yeah, I'm ready for the cool-down, you know, I'm over here in Savannah, Georgia They get up to like 105 talk about it felt like 125 it was ridiculous Definitely got so I didn't even get to get to the beach for real this year, but that's okay It was too hot to be out there in somebody beach But the closest beach is Tyree, but I'm definitely ready for fall. I'm glad you and your family have fun this summer at least Shout out to you
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