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Sir Charlo 560d
Sir Charlo
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Ellexy Stiver
Sir Charlo
Ellexy Stiver 559d
Ellexy Stiver
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I'm almost there. I got like how much money I got I got a hundred and twenty-eight dollars saved up and then that's that's in my my jar, but then my wallet I got like Thirty dollars like twenty seven, but then in my bank account get em up. It's like twenty something to Thank God that many bands, but you know I'm saving so that's what's up
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That's great
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Nah, nah, see, now you're making me feel stupid. I thought, I thought we was talking about, like, getting the bands as teenagers or something, like, like, stand on the grind or something, you're just like, yeah, I didn't ask for that, bro. Why you do this to me?
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But what do you mean, we are giving fans a teenager or something? I didn't really know what to respond with, and I was playing Fortnite with my friend. He was like, getting on, and he was listening to me talk, so I had to stop talking, because I was about to send a whole paragraph talking about how I got the money, but dang.
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