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Does the ass talk back though? Because like I have a lot of shit I could vent to and like if I could vent to your ass I could be there for hours venting to your ass if he'll talk back to me So I mean I would if it talked back
Well, I'm actually 7'8", but I just say I'm 7'0", just to stay humble, because I gotta save some girls for the rest of the guys. I gotta take one for the team, you know?
As a humble man, I cannot hit you up. I need you to hit me up. I need you to slide into my DMs. As a humble man, I just... I gotta stay humble, you know? I can't be doing that.
No, I'm good. I just, you know, I don't know, man. I just, I got that energy. You know what I'm saying? I got that, that 7 foot 8 energy, you know what I'm saying?