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SweetFreak 306d
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Euphoric Skies
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Good morning hope y'all are having a wonderful Wednesday morning. Now I have a two-part question for y'all. First part of the question is what is your reaction when people express anger? Now I don't necessarily mean that they're expressing it towards you it could be simply you observing them expressing angry emotions. Now the second part of the question is how do you think your upbringing may have influenced your reaction towards anger?
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If it's a woman, I tend to sit and listen and try and be the voice of reason. However, if it's a fella, depending if he's a dick or not, I quite like to wind them up when they're angry. I find best to annoy them if you say to them, listen, I can't talk to you when you're being this emotional. What's all the emotional motions about? When you get to a level, we'll have a chat, alright? It tends to really wind them up if you talk about the fact that they're being over-emotional.
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Okay that's a really interesting response. How do you think your upbringing influenced how you react towards anger?
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