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Okay StereoFam, here's a good one. What was your worst or most embarrassing moment while on a date? Now in this current picture right here, the girl coming down the stairs, Lorelai Gilmore, walked into a room full of people that did not know that she was sleeping over and was wearing the man's shirt. And by the way, also not photographed, she was not wearing pants and she felt so guilty and so embarrassed that she ran upstairs. But the entire town saw her in another man's shirt. How would you feel if you were in this situation?
Um, I have a lot of embarrassing moments on dates, y'all. The worst is when I clogged up a dude's toilet, so we're just gonna leave that there. Uh, great post. Shout-out to everybody that answered. I'm definitely gonna go listen.
I would say my most embarrassing date was, uh, going on a date with an ugly guy. That sounds kind of shallow, but see, you got to remember this was years ago, much younger and different mindset, but yeah.
Hey Frenchie, happy Monday. I hope you're having a wonderful day and um I don't even know. I don't even know the most embarrassing thing on a date. I can't think of nothing right now.
Well, as far as what she went through, I wouldn't have cared. I'd have sat down and ordered some damn food, like, so fucking what. Yeah, that wouldn't have done anything to me. I don't give a fuck what anybody says about what I do or who I do it with. My most embarrassing moment on a date was I called the guy the wrong name several times. Needless to say, he never called me back, but at the end of the day, he was boring in any fucking way, so there you go. Yeah, sad. I called him the wrong name.
On my first day with my wife, I actually got out of the car in the middle of the road and started hitting the taillight of my car. And while I was doing that, I farted, and that was the excuse.