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Is it just me that's realizing people are just randomly getting banned? Like I get if you like break the rules or whatever, but like, I'm pretty sure we all know Tiller. He was really funny, and he was like pretty much a part of the community. But like, why did he get banned?
Real shit though. Oh my god, my voice is being lost. Um real shit. I Didn't even know there was rules to be honest because I figured if there was rules I would have broken all of them into band already But hey, here I am.
to be honest, like, how... I don't understand how they ban people, but like, okay, I never saw any of some, like, some people that I know got banned, but like, in general, I didn't I didn't know they banned people
Yeah I'm a keep it a buck with you I thought that you said band and I was really upset he spaghetti because I know it's over off Nelson to his last voice message message she sent me but I didn't even get to listen to it I'm so sad
Well you can't come back if you get banned because like you can only have one account so it's not new I don't think it's a movie you can look on the guidelines but I don't think so