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No, because why'd she have to pick him up like that? Why'd she have to pick him up like that? You know, that's just disrespectful. That's just disrespectful. She had to pick him up like that. Stop it. Just stop it, I say.
So, never mind the fact that she's a porker. Look at the hair, the lashes, the nails. Yeah, this is a Triple H dragon. A hair-headed hooligan dressed in the uniform of the ladies of night for sale. That's what you get for letting a dragon in your house. Never trust a Triple H dragon. Never trust a hair-headed hooligan.
I don't like the way that she keeps pursuing him after he told her no. That's, that's gross in my opinion. Um, I mean, we don't know the context behind this. Like, they could have been in a fight previously to this video going on. Who knows? But at the end of the day, lady, no means no. Thank you.