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ReallyLyndon 309d
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ReallyLyndon 309d
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ReallyLyndon 309d
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ReallyLyndon 309d
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Aj 308d
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Daniel Watson 308d
Daniel Watson
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And Another Thing With Dave
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Ashley Jones 302d
Ashley Jones
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So many of us UK broadcasters are having separate conversations. Let's use this as a soundboard where we can just all chat with each other.
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Here's the thing with stereo, you've got to keep testing everything, so this message isn't really going to mean anything other than I'm just talking for 30 seconds, which I can do talk for 30 seconds, in fact I could do a two hour show just talking shite for as long as I want to talk shite, with very little breath in between, like that one, you had to breathe, you have to breathe at some point otherwise you will die because you sort of need breath to survive, but anyway, this message may or may not go through or it may just stop at the 30 second point, here it comes now, 27, 28, 29, 30,
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So here's a question, right? So we were chatting today in the DMs all this morning in the DMs There's not a lot of good shows on well zero good shows on what would be nice to see in the day Do you guys and girls reckon like if you could tune in and listen to shows? What would you like to listen to? there's just not a lot of stuff is there there's like a lot of teenagers shouting each other and Being mean and it's just a lot of nonsense There should be there needs to be better shows
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Oh yeah without a question there needs to be better shows. I think some people just come on to have a a natter with their friends but there's no particular content from that and you know it is nice to have a natter with your friends on it yeah I'm not saying there's anything against that but they'd be nice to have like a varied content that was what I was thinking of
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Yeah, no, I agree. Nat with your mates is fine. It's not really content though, like, you could do that on another social media app, couldn't you? Like, just where it's just you. And a lot of them, they don't like people listening. They don't like people coming in and they say things like, I wish this could be private. Well, you can do that. You can have a Discord server or you can have group chat on some other app. I don't know. It's strange.
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See, that's the thing, I've come across a few people having a catch-up with their friends and stuff, which is fair enough, you know. But then they're shouting at people if people want to join, or they're shouting at people for listening. Like, if you want a catch-up with your friend and you want it in private, have a bloody phone call. Don't do it on stereo, where people are going to come in and listen to it, and then you're going to shout at them for it.
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Yeah, I agree with this. It's like, I know there is enough space for everyone to do whatever they want to do, like if people want to do debates, scream at each other, that sort of stuff they can, if people want to do entertainment they can, also if people want to just have random chats they can, but see I think you should be able to, you should be able to have private chats, so if you don't want people to listen in, you can just do your own thing, but as that doesn't currently exist, currently exists, don't get upset if people are listening in,
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I couldn't agree more. I think they should do a private chat feature and there'd be like varied chats where you can either, the host can invite people in or it can be like a friends only chat so you both have to be following each other. But yeah, it definitely should be a thing.
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Oh no, I just sent a message, I was about 20 seconds in and then I got a notification I've only got 10% battery and I think it chucked the message out, pain in the shitter.
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Like the most useless weapon is probably more interesting like tapio- tapio- I can't speak, tapioca pudding or a chick- a chicken nugget. That couldn't help anything could it? In a zombie apocalypse how would a chicken nugget help you apart from maybe feed you? I don't know. Anyway, you come up with the best subjects don't you sweet freak?
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Well, you could scoop out the zombified eyeballs, replace them with the chicken nuggets, and then zombie chickens would come and peck its face off.
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I don't think zombies need their eyes very much, do they? Like, how do they, is it sound, is it sound? Like, are they attracted to the sound of you, the smell of you? They haven't got great eyesight, have they? Um, they're just, like, eating machines, really. Um, I don't think I'm going to be going near a zombie's face with chicken nuggets and replacing its eyeballs with it. Um, McDonald's ones or any others.
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That is hilarious.
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Maybe tapioca could help, like, you could just cover yourself in tapioca, like they do with fucking Walking Dead, and then just walk around covered in tapioca, wouldn't it like mask the scent of you being a human? It could actually work, like, it could actually be a defence substance, if that's what you call it.
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Yeah, but then what happens if they get the scent of tapioca and they're not put off by tapioca? I think the only reason that would work is if you cover yourself, you'd be too slippy for them to grab hold of That might work
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Right, so we've had zombie apocalypse food item for survival. We've had what sort of shows would you like to see on stereo in the daytime. What other questions are there? Does anyone want to pose a question? Let's, let's pose a question. Let's figure it out.
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Right then, love. Let's carry on with a good conversation straight away, shall we?
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Yeah, I was fucking good
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