Poet To good to be true, but not a bite for you, next time smile twice as hard so I know you want some toSuivre20PartagerCopier le lien sur la publication
Poet https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02fxsg2nD3aj5W3hHzEd3fP9pBCrQnhXN3JJWP5QRJYwsmxPfou1eayqR35PbSpwVsl&id=100000801036392&mibextid=w8EBqM
Poet I speak about me being a cook all the time & here is one of my specialties sunny side up omelette
Poet Seen this shirt on line, So I had to grab at the time, So I’ll patiently wait, Until that time comes to shine, But if you think this is hot, Then wait into you see the rest, Cause this shirt is hot!
Poet It was a time in my life where forgetting was all that I was known for, it’s nothing like a long walk for help you find what you have lost.
Poet How I see & feel about Black Women, but is it because of my mom, the fact that I’m a father of two girls or something else.
Poet To make a cake for a queen, cause she was so special to me, it was just the thought of her heart, that made me feel like a king
Poet The story behind this is nothing but fact, cause the person i am is real and I give so much respect, but to be the gentleman I am to the ladies indeed is all about my daughters & the way my mother......