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Hi Stereo and my beautiful Stereo family, ah man this one right here. What are your thoughts? There's always a discussion about femininity and toxic masculinity and I feel like no one ever really points out this right here and how it should flow in a relationship. I would love to hear you guys' thoughts on what he's saying and if you even agree or disagree, tap in with me in the comments. I hope you guys are having a beautiful day today. Let's go.
These videos from tonight's conversation are the best, the best. You don't know how many of them I have saved, but yeah. Masculine, feminine, I think a perfect is the mature masculine feminine or feminine masculine, whatever it is. But anyway, you go Tammy.
They are the best and as far as my podcast inspirations, they are one of my favorites. I actually do hope to go see them live, you know, they answer our podcast goals. Oh man, but they have the best, rawest conversation, especially from the men and to me, I feel like that's rare. Yeah, they are the best, absolutely.
Oh Tommy, that is actually quite interesting. It is the practice actually of embracing it and being aware of it. It's the journey you need. Nice food first offer this Friday, Tommy darling.
Hey, Madame Titi, I thought it was quite interesting, right? I thought it was interesting for a man to be that self-aware and where he at and where he is in his relationship and understanding the balance that it takes, like, yeah, you're a man and you come to me and you're masculine energy, but yet, can you meet me right here in my feminine energy and where I'm at at this moment? And I think it's beautiful. I think it's absolutely beautiful.
The blurt, the purge, the bleed over right when you got into that man, that's You know, you're all gonna be up in each other's personal space and energy. So there's gonna be that one wholeness and And don't make me cry right now. Come on. I'm in a long-distance thing but yeah when you mesh as one You're gonna have both sides within y'all Anyways, there's another great post the queen of the subbies
So Angie, you touched my little heart, you all in love and stuff right now? This is so sweet. And long distance can be even harder to get into that groove, into that mesh, right? But yeah, I think it's a beautiful balance, especially when you're sharing that space and in each other's, trying to get into each other, emotional, mental, I guess you can say mailboxes, you know?
I am Low Screws Lyin' and I support this message. Que lo que, tell me! Ha, ha, ha! Ya tu sabe! Yeah, no, I agree, completely, 100%, you are right. But on another note, it's Friday! Hoy se bebe! Ya tu sabe! Que lo que, que lo guac, que la vaina! Que lo que! Let's get it!
Yeah it does happen. And I think that we should wish we could see it happen more often. Right? Men think they need to stay in such a manly space. Women don't know how to step into certain spaces with their man. I don't know. I think it definitely happens more often. Especially if you're living together. It should be happening. Why are y'all together?
okay I'm in agreement with this video right here it's so beautiful to see a man be able to balance it balance his feminine and his masculine there are so many guys that walk around with the S on their chest as if they don't have feelings too you do and let that shit out it's okay to be sensitive and sweet and caring and empathetic it's beautiful
Okay it's beautiful to be there. You ain't got to, I don't think none of us have to walk around with that superhero mark etched on our chest when you have, especially if you have a person that's willing to step in and tap into all those sides, your masculine and your feminine side. You do begin to be more empathetic when you can try to understand. Absolutely beautiful. Shout out to you Cheesecake.
Right? That's good. That's good. Man, no more men versus women. For what? We human. We all tapped in. You know, we might be built a little different, but the insides in our emotions are actually pretty similar. Yeah, man. Good shit. Thanks for coming by my page.
How are you? I'm good. Everything's great. Great weekend. You know it's always nice when you come by and say hello. Hola. I hope you had a great weekend.