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Guys, you guys know I'm not asking him for his personality, like, I get that his cups are delicious, and his abs are great, like stop guys, but I mean like, you gotta do personality, and that, and then make him a ten out of ten, but I don't know him like that, so I gotta get along with him, but you're fine, and you can text me anytime, I'm joking, sorry guys.
No way, he could be catfishing and y'all don't even know what he look like. Y'all are down bad, y'all are wild down bad. He could be a 56 year old fat man and you guys wouldn't even know it. No offense to him, even if this is the real him, I gotta admit, he's pretty fine, but if he isn't, probably a freaking pervert, or a little kid trying to troll, but still, you're pretty good looking.
Yo, but *****, this is not even fuckin' fair, bro. It's like, bro, I spent my whole fuckin' life workin' on myself, *****. SEVENTEEN PLUS FUCKIN' YEARS. I LOOK THE SAME! This ***** ain't even show his fuckin' face when they went in, bro. What the fuck?