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Brianna Malone
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Dating Life • 573d
Dating Life
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How do you start dating if you're bad at texting? I've never been really good at texting when I start dating. That's why I'm not really good at the whole online dating thing. The whole Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, whatever. It always starts off with messaging back and forth and that's not really my thing. I'm much better in person and very, very good with, you know, being able to read expressions and understand what they're reading, what I'm saying, and understand, like, it's the entire communication pattern, but with texting and all that, you know, I almost feel like people who are good at texting and messaging, they're probably the least, they're probably the people that I least want a relationship with because they're good at the face value with no depth. I don't know, what do you guys think?
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I think texting is important up to being responsive and communicating when you can or cannot respond so that people feel like they're being thought of you know whoever it is you're dating I also think that having a little bit of substance is important so instead of just saying lol to everything you know adding to the conversation
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Oh yeah, definitely agree. In the beginning of a relationship though, or when you just start texting, you just start meeting, I feel like that's when things can keep something from developing in the beginning. Which makes it hard because texting is, I think, highly dependent on how well you know the person. So, because, you know, you don't have any context, you can't see their facial expressions or hear their tone, you know, or inflections in their voice, so you don't actually know what's going on.
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