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Eternal β€’ 288d
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Dating Life
Dating Life
Dating Life β€’ 287d
Dating Life
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Back in college, I had pity sex, for sure. I was way too hot for this guy. I was not attracted to him at all. I was way out of his league. We were both going through rough times. He was being extra nice. I thought, well, let me help him out. Fast forward many years later. I went on a date with a guy and I recognized he was out of my league. I shut it down early, way quick, said, you know what, let's just be friends. No chemistry, let's just be friends. Now I look at those two scenarios and I think, one, am I too hypercritical? Two, realistically, was he too hot? Maybe he was. I didn't want to be the pity sex. I've felt the reverse side of things. I don't want to be the opposite side of it. It's interesting the feelings going on between what you think you're worth and what you think others are worth. Is worth really driven down to just aesthetic and financial success? These things should be thought through introspectively and with a therapist. Because I'm no expert. I fuck up a lot.
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I respect the honesty in the, you know, last fucking line. I fuck up a lot, too. Um, you got me asking my question, like, myself. I'm like, what makes someone too hot? What, where, what leagues? What's going on here? Cause right now, I'm in the same situation with this girl. I'm like, do I want to have sex with her? I don't think she's in my league. I know that sounds cocky. But it's just one of those situations.
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Like I'm going on this date with her on Monday, and I just want to see what happens like I don't care if you're ugly like let's be real if you're overweight as Long as you're willing to put in the work to try and be attractive For me as I'm doing before you whether you are able to recognize and accept that or not Then I don't have a problem with you being ugly. That's not an issue it's just She doesn't
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From my perspective, I asked her, I was like, would you ever consider working out? She made a valid response. She's like, I've got asthma. I don't wanna do that. And I'm like, that's completely understandable. But if that's the case, that's a very big like no for me. Like, I'm not even gonna lie. I don't, again, if you're fat, that doesn't mean I won't say yes. If you're willing to put in the work to change, cool. Cause I like your personality.
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Speaking of, um, what's the word I wanted to say, but didn't say it, fuckin'... Speaking of deal breakers, what are some deal breakers you have, and why? Cuz that's one of mine. Like, not wanting to put in the work to be more attractive, cuz I feel like that should be a thing. Cuz a lot to do with relationships is sex, and I'm not gonna act like it's not, cuz it is.
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See, that's a troublesome thing for me, because in my head I'm thinking, you shouldn't want someone to change for you. Because when you date someone as they are, that's who they are, that's who they're always going to be, they might temporarily change, but they're going to resort back to who they were before you guys started dating, after they've gotten comfortable in the relationship. So, you know, find someone who already fits what you're looking for more or less, right? Keep in mind, everyone will change over time to some degree, but in general...
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Deal-breakers for everyone should start with the three foundations of a relationship. Similar ideas on politics, religion, and how to handle money. Those are your three things. Very important. Another thing that I think is a deal-breaker that everyone should have is have the same or similar lifestyle. Now for me, for instance, I'm very active. If they don't have an active lifestyle, we can be friends, but we ain't dating. Those are my main deal-breakers.
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And of course, any type of abuse, mental, physical, financial, emotional, any type of abuse, that's a huge deal breaker.
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Nah, I can't even argue with you. Like, that's completely fucking valid. I am also a very active person, um, so, you know, having someone in my life just sitting around all the fucking time, it would get on my nerves very quickly. Like, I don't, I don't care if you want to take a break here and there, but like, you know, I'm not, I'm not letting life fuck me up the ass unconsensually, like, I'm gonna go out and get shit done. I'm gonna do something, and nobody's gonna stop me.
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alright so as like a recap I went on that date with that girl and and now I don't really like her like at all she would not shut up like I mean that in the nicest way possible because I completely understand but I don't want to hear you talk about Harry Potter for 20 fucking minutes okay it was it was pretty bad
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