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Yeah, Drizzy, Trump, you know what I mean? Obama, Ice Spice, yeah, you know, a little Shum Shum with the connections, nah, but yeah. Yeah, we all gonna be there, though. You all ready. September 9th, by the way, yeah, yeah.
Live wire, mi hermano, que lo que va pa, congratulations on the nomination. Ya tu shaw it, man! May the best man win. Love y'all all and again shout out to all the nominees, man. Yeah, I mean, it's a blessing to be up here amongst y'all titans. Yeah, amongst y'all kings. Ya tu shaw it!
Hey, that's what's up my Aries brother, coming out that gate with the motherfucking horns sharp and ready, let's go, LiveWire for rap god, LiveWire for king of motherfucking stereo, you heard?
And how are we, LiveWire? I send you a greeting, that here happens to leave you a lot of support in the soundbite and well, congratulations on the nomination and I wish you good luck, let's see if you get it, man, come on, see you, a greeting
Ooh, that's some heat. I can't lie, that's hard. Big shout out, man. Make sure y'all follow the motherfucking LiveWire. Comment, heart this shit, share this shit. You feel me? Let the campaigning begin, though.