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Grand rising stereo peeps. As a cook and as a baker, I know that what we put into our dish when we are cooking and baking can truly make or break it. So it got me thinking, do you release your emotions, positive, negative, in-between emotions when you are baking and cooking? What gives you the most release? The action of baking and cooking, such as what this lovely woman in the GIF is doing. Comments. Let's talk about it.
Damn, I like to do both, but I enjoy baking. I cook to feed my damn four kids. Like I have to cook, but I don't have to bake. I bake when I want to, so I think I'll say baking.
Shout out to you, Bad Bunny J. Um, yeah, you know, I cook because, you know, it's healthier. You know, it's better on the pocketbook as well. So I get it. I do. It does kind of take the joy a little bit out of cooking for me. You know, because, like you said, you know, it's a requirement. I'm happy to do the requirement. But, you know, the baking thing, though.
The baking thing though. So when you do bake, what is your favorite treat to bake? Do you bake bread, pies, cakes, you know, something else that I'm not thinking of on my feet right now? What is your signature baked good?
Um, see I'm the opposite. I can't be in a bad mood cooking. Um, cooking is one of those good happy feel moments for me. Um, I feel like my food tastes better when I can cook through love. Um, I don't know. I don't use cooking as something to release my emotions. Um, exercising or dancing, playing with my kids sometimes helps release the emotions. But no, not baking. I gotta cook and love, baby.
Okay, Tammy. Much respect to you. You know, I have heard that food does taste better when it's cooked with love. I think that's a saying for a reason. Okay, you know, normally I do cook with love as well. But when I'm dealing with dough, when I'm needing to like knead it and you know, pop it around on the on the board a few times, you know, that's that's therapeutic.
Hey, here's what's going on. As everybody knows, I'm a truck driver, so cooking is not only therapeutic for me, but fulfilling, because I get to know what I'm going to eat, give myself a healthy option. A lot of times, you know, driving around, you know, big tractors, there's only so limited things you can eat, so many limited places you can go, and a lot of those options are not healthy.
No, no, no, when I'm cooking or baking or creating anything, I am vibrating in goodness and love. It's an expression of my joy and my creativity and my adventure, right? When I'm releasing anger, it's typically either like in a hot shower or in my journal, right? And it's specifically to release the anger. Releasing anger is separate from any creative action or endeavor. Yeah, creativity is always positive.
Cooking is definitely healing, for sure. I don't know what it is, but I'm not the best at baking. It probably is because it requires a lot of time and patience compared to cooking. So I'm still practicing my baking skills, but cooking all the way, that's for sure.